Hawthorns & Honeybees Blog


You might be wondering, why Hawthorns & Honeybees? Well, you see, Hawthorns are tough, adaptable, and resilient. Their roots run deep. While I’ve pulled up stakes and moved a lot over the years, I’ve always felt my roots down in my bones, tugging and pulling. And I’ve finally come home to the Heart of the Ozark Foothills, where Hawthorns flourish. I’m tough when necessary, following a Marine Corps husband around for almost 30 years certainly instilled adaptability in me, and I’m resilient. I just keep coming back! And you, my little Honeybees, are completely compatible with Hawthorns and such a vital part of things here. Honeybees are also incredibly adaptable and incredibly resilient. They’re actually considered a superorganism! In other words, they are capable or working together to achieve phenomenal things. They’re each unique creatures, they are social and good for the environment. Qualities I want to surround myself and my writing with.

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